Monday, April 16, 2012

Out of This Town

Zane Bromley Richards and Tally Conners were seen leaving town together this weekend and haven't been heard from or seen since.  Are they gone for good?  Surely not, with Zane's graduation approaching rapidly he can't just throw it all away.  Or can he?

See the Thread Here

Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

Heads up, or maybe down.  Cybill Grey and Mason Everdeen were seen getting chummy at the skatepark and later that night were supposedly fighting.  The shortest pair yet!  Three days later, Mason caught up with Alegrah Smith, or rather, she caught up with him at a club.  They were seen dancing rather closely and then she was dragging him toward the door.  Rumor is, there was more than just kissing going on at his beach house paradise.

The next morning Cybill showed up at his house and found them disrobed.  The neighbors reported that it was a rather loud turn of events that no one had seen coming, especially not Mason.  The couple hasn't been seen together after this fight, but who knows?

Click Here for the Full Thread.